If you are looking to install a fireplace insert, just a little bit of research will show you just how many options you have. Fireplace inserts are all similar, but they are built for vastly different purposes. This article provides a general definition for a fireplace insert and specifics about a few different types of inserts. By the end, you’ll understand the differences between them.
What are fireplace inserts?
Fireplace inserts are self-contained units designed to fit smoothly within a pre-existing masonry fireplace, a wall, or a frame. Some inserts are ventless. Others vent through direct venting or an original chimney. Fireplace inserts are also far more energy efficient than masonry fireplaces, which leads to a smaller carbon footprint and more heat. Designers build fireplace inserts to burn a specific fuel type. So inserts, depending on the fuels they burn, will have different properties.
Most people install a fireplace insert into a pre-existing masonry fireplace. (For some inserts, you will also be able to build a frame or construct an opening in your wall, but check with your manufacturer before taking these steps.) So lets take a few minutes to look at what a masonry fireplace is (and what you might mistake for one).
What is a masonry fireplace?
Hover your cursor over the image below to find out.